Tips & Tricks


I frequently get asked, “What are a few tips and tricks you can give me about breastfeeding?” I love being a part of the process of a woman becoming a new mother. And I want you to enjoy your time with your baby. My job is to make your life easier – so let me help in any way I can. Here are some of my top pieces of advice about how to prepare for breastfeeding before your baby comes!

1. Get on the Milk & Honey schedule. What are the top reasons I see new moms? Well, there are lots! Most commonly, I get calls because of the following: painful latching (nipple damage or not), milk supply concerns, questions with using a breast pump, difficulty breastfeeding previous children, baby was premature or spent time in the NICU, twins or triplets or reflux/colic. The thing is – many women struggle with feeding and don’t reach out for help. Feeding your baby shouldn’t be a stressor. It shouldn’t be part of your day that you dread. Call me and let’s work together to avoid any issues.

2. Take a class during pregnancy. If it’s a class at your hospital – awesome! Group settings are wonderful for mom’s who don’t quite know the right question to ask, or who maybe like large group education. There always seems to be someone in the group who has lots of questions! And most are ones you didn’t even know you needed to ask! If you take a personal, private class – even better! The class I teach comes with a breast assessment and a plan for delivery. There are also online options that exist! You can take an online breastfeeding class if you can’t dedicate a certain amount of time to the class and need to break it up. Questions to the instructor may be limited however. Join the La Leche League in your area for a “mom to mom” style support.

3. Register or purchase breastfeeding supplies. Some essentials are nursing pads! They do make washable/reusable nursing pads too! I lean toward disposable because I feel like they wick moisture away from the skin better than your standard cloth nursing pad. Nursing tanks save my life! Throw some yoga pants and a cardigan on and voila!! An outfit fit for a new mom! Once your milk comes in, your breasts may be a little sore. These warm/cool gel packs helps help a lot. Warmth can help with a plugged duct if needed and cold helps ease soreness. You’ll also need some nursing bras. Anything that is comfortable, has room to grow, has no underwire and is supportive will work just fine. Some mothers like breastfeeding pillows like a Boppy or My Breast Friend pillow – but honestly, a bed pillow works just as well. “Nursing pillows” are not a must have item in my book.

4. Obtain a breast pump. Did you know that your insurance company will pay for or reimburse for a breast pump? Some require a doctors order and others give you the option to receive one without an order. I would do your research on which is best for your situation. These silicone breast pumpswork wonders in the early days! Do you hear me! WONDERS! And they are so inexpensive compared to the double electric pumps!! A manual pump mind be just fine for the SAHM or WAHM but a mother returning to work outside of the home probably will benefit from an electric breast pump. (More to come on my opinions of which is better!) You can also watch for sales on replacement parts and extra bottles too! It seems that you can never have enough pump parts to be honest.

5. Find a pediatrician that supports your feeding choice. When looking for a pediatrician, there are several things you want to consider. One comment that I hear often, is that the pediatrician recommended to supplement with formula before they recommended to seek out professional breastfeeding help from an IBCLC. Is your baby’s doctor willing to work with you and your support team to provide what’s best for your baby? As a Lactation Consultant and Registered Nurse, I will always advise you to carry out your pediatricians orders. Make sure you and your baby’s pediatrician are on the same page when it comes to vaccines, standard childhood illnesses and treatments as well as their routine hospital care.

6. Make a station. Whether it’s a rocker in your baby’s room, a comfy chair in your living room, your bed or the couch – a “breastfeeding station” is good to have. Find a place you are comfortable first and foremost! You’ll also want a lamp close by and maybe a phone charger {I like this one.}! Keeping a basket handy with extra supplies makes life easier. Here are a few things I like to keep close by: (1) diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream, (2) a baby blanket (3) coconut oil {great as a diaper cream, for dry hands/lips or even breast cream!!}, (4) bottled water (5) individually wrapped snacks and (6) a small wastebasket. Basically, you need a soft spot to land; a place to be comfortable to nurse, nap, change a diaper or just relax with all the things you’ll need close by!

Remember to register for a class or schedule a consultation, call today! (318)-446-2007

Luke Jones